To the AdaSwap fam,
We are happy to announce that the number of transactions on our testnet has surpassed 100,000 and we are thrilled to take our DEX to the next level, we will be starting the auditing process in the coming weeks. We are currently in talks with a few auditing firms, more info will be released regarding this in the coming days.
For a technical update, we have been working on multi-hop functionality to make the swap process more effortless and remove certain steps that users currently have to do. Additionally, the light mode was one of the most requested features. We have been making some great progress towards this as well. Please see the image below.

We are also sending out a call to any NFT projects that want to mint on the Cardano chain. ADANFT is a leading NFT marketplace on Cardano and we are looking to offer full support for upcoming NFT projects that mint on ADANFT, send us a message on Twitter!
So, don’t forget to follow AdaSwap’s social media channels to stay up to date with all the exciting news:
- Telegram Official Community —
- Telegram Announcements —
- Medium —
- AdaSwap Twitter —